Monday, January 19, 2015

Onwards and Upwards!

It has now been over 3 years since my last blog post. I am not sure how this got away from me, but here I am, ready to start again!

Life has changed so much since 2011, and I fully intend to catch everyone up very soon!

The direction of my posts will change from my last posts, but its pretty awesome to see what I used to post about, and what was important to me.

Cant wait to share more of whats to come soon!

Happy Monday! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

Taking a stand to be ME

You know how they say 'If you dont have something nice to say, dont say it at all?' Well, that may explain my delay in posting for the last few months.

The last few months have been... well... confusing. Ive debated changing jobs, moving from Denver, moving within Denver, and I have really spent a lot of time looking at how I am living my life.

Today, I write with courage and confidence that any decision that I make is going to be the right one. I am going to start living my life knowing that the decisions that I make are the best decisions for myself.

I am very lucky to have some very special people in my life. They know how to get me through thick and thin. They know how 'I work', and they always know what to say. You guys know who you are!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sorry for the delay

Its been over a month since my last post. Here is an entry that I started last week. I am going to try my hardest to stay on track and post as often as possible. Sorry again!

I am currently sitting in the Charlotte North Carolina airport after a very delayed flight, then a missed connection last night. Thought for most people, a travel night like mine last night would be a disaster, I just passed it off as another day of traveling. I think the positive attitude comes from the fact that I had an absolutely incredible weekend.

I met Andrea in Columbus Ohio, to attend a coworker, Jeff Baiocchi’s wedding. Though, Andrea thought going to Columbus Ohio, on a ‘vacation’, was a little but sketch, I showed her an amazing time. If it hadn’t been for the huge burger she ate right before we went to the airport, she wouldn’t have wanted to leave!

I officially finished the first ‘wedding season’ of my life. I feel broke, I feel tired, but most of all I feel loved! I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but I know that I am a good friend. I always go above and beyond to help a friend, and I do my best to keep in constant contact with all of them. It’s a huge honor for me to be invited to someone’s wedding. I know how expensive they are, and I know how intimate they are, so to be invited to partake in the special day is an amazing feeling.

Thank you to all of my friends who invited me to be a part of their special day! The memories of the weddings will last a lifetime!
 (I will post pictures very soon!)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Feeling Overcommitted

Have you ever had the sense that you are just out of steam? That you have so much to do, you don’t know whats going on? Well, that’s where I stand right now.

The last month, and the coming months have been a complete whirlwind. In an 8 week span, I have 4 weddings in 4 different states. Not to mention a 2 day vacation Malibu (Which will be much needed!).

Memorial Day weekend, I am missing an important event. I cant help but feel guilty, and awful about missing this. Kristen, my best friend Heathers little sister is graduating from High School. She told me about this 2 months ago, 4 months after I committed to going to a close co-workers wedding in St Louis. I wish I could be in two places at once, but I simply cant. I also need to write her a letter, and send it to her mom before Friday! AHHH!

When it comes to work, I am spending a lot of time getting ramped up on the new client, and all of the deliverable here. I am getting used to the new surroundings, and restaurants, which ones are healthy, and trying to figure out which ones I will be frequenting. Trying to mix in an actual commute (Should out to Columbus OH for a lack of commute), and working out, and eating is not easy! Not to mention, I need to have my Project Assessment for my last project in VERY soon!

This weekend is going to be very busy. On Friday, Mylee is graduating from Kindergarten (APPLAUSE!), and its her 6th Birthday! I will be driving up to Fort Collins on Friday morning, going to the ceremony, going back to Robs to work for the afternoon, then taking Rob and Mylee to dinner to celebrate the graduation and her birthday!

Saturday and Sunday morning will spent cleaning my house! Apparently my Uncle wants to come bring my two cousins to Denver next week and wants to stay at my place, and my parents are coming up in a few weeks as well. Not sure the last time I have spent any significant time cleaning, but it MUST happen this weekend! Jen has a friend in town this weekend, so I may spend some time at a happy hour or something fun. On Sunday, I am taking an earlier flight than normal so I can have dinner with Sapna and Amar in downtown Chicago! That should be fun!

My travel for the next 2 weeks is crazy!
Chicago to Denver
Denver to Chicago
Chicago to St Louis
St Louis to Houston w/Connection to Los Angeles
Los Angeles to Denver w/Connection to Chicago
Chicago to Denver

Lets hope I can get through he next few weeks and find some time to rest in between.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Slap a Bitch Thursday
*No Bitches Were Harmed in the Writing of this Blog*

Alright, so I am a day (4 days) late and a dollar short for SABT for last week, but here are a few short captions.

1) Myself. I am still unsure what happened last Saturday night. It all started with the girls wanting to have a little pool party. We invited a few friends, bought some booze, made some food, and had a nice 'relaxing' day at the pool. One pitcher of this amazing mixed drink and a few margaritas, turned into a 12 pack of bud light, 2 12 packs of coors light, 3 bottles of vodka and a handle of captain. We stayed at the pool from 12 to 9 pm. By the time 9 pm came around, I was no longer coherent. I passed out on the couch, throwing up for all to see. I woke up about 3 am, sneezing (Jen has a cat), in darkness, in still semi-wet swim trunks. Luckily for me, I was SOBER! Haha. So, I got my stuff together and left. I think it was a combo of WAY too much alcohol, WAY too much sun, and not enough food in my stomach! So... I would like to slap myself, for my antics of last weekend.

Friends and I at the pool (Notice the Booze)

2) We will call her... Camp. My friend was dating a guy, Tall One. He was in the process of getting divorced from Camp. He was a nice guy, and she really enjoyed seeing him. A few months ago, their divorce was final. We all went out on a few occasions and just had a great time. I even started to like this guy. One night, my cousin was in town, and we all went out and had a great time. Tall One was acting kinda weird all night. We were unsure what to think. That night, things essentially fizzled between my friend and Tall One, and we were all kind of unsure what happened. On Thursday, Friend called me and told me the reason Tall One had been acting so weird was because Camp was calling/texting him and telling him that she made a huge mistake and wanted to get back together with him. So, I would like to slap Camp.... when you are in your 30's 40's (I have been corrected), and you have a child with Tall One, you gotta make some decisions. Its time to grow up, and smell the coffee! (Thats my 2 cents anyway).

3) Guy at my hotel. On Sunday night, I checked into my hotel. Everything was fine. On Monday, after a long day at work, dinner with coworkers and a great workout at the local Bally's Gym, I arrived at my hotel around 9:30 pm. I walk in to my room to see that my room hadnt been cleaned. I called down and asked the dude why my room hadnt been cleaned. He said he was unsure, and would send someone up if I wanted. I said yes. About 10:15 a guy shows up with a ton of towels, hands them to me, and leaves. On Tuesday morning, I talk to the front desk, and the guy tells me it was because I checked in Monday morning so the computer didnt tell them they needed to clean my room. THE SAME GUY that checked me in, was the guy that I called Monday night, and the one I talked to on Tuesday morning. On Wednesday night, I talked to the manager to try to figure out what happened, and we finally figured it out. The guy on Sunday made me keys, but never checked me in the computer. When I ate breakfast on Monday, and they took them the receipt, they noticed I was actually there and checked me in. All in all, the manager gave me 8000 free points. So, I would like to slap the front desk guy who tried to convince me that I wasnt actually there on Sunday.

I think that might be all of the bitches I am wanting to slap for last week. Overall, it was a good week. Not too many annoyances! Lets hope for more of the same this week!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Interesting life lesson from an unexpected source

About a month ago, on a flight from Denver to Columbus, the man sitting next to me says ‘Have you got to the part about the drug dealers and their moms?’ I had no idea what he was talking about. The reason was, he was referencing my book ‘Freakonomics’, and I had not got to that part yet. We had some good discussion about the book (what I had read so far), and then promptly put on our headphones and did our own thing.

Upon arriving in Denver the following week, we stops me and asks ‘Have you read that part yet?’. I had actually just finished reading that section. It was very interesting, and I can see why he really wanted me to read it.

We both realize now that we are on each others weekly flights. So today, leaving Columbus, I smile at him and ask him how his week was. About 2 minutes later, he comes to my seat and hands me a book. He says ‘I know we had some great discussion about Freakonomics, so I would really like you to read this book. Its only about 90 pages, so you can probably read it on the flight,’. Now, its pretty rare that you get someone that would do something like that, so I really didn’t know what to say. He explained a little bit about the book, and then just left. Being how the conversation left off, I was unsure if I had been given a book to keep, or he expected me to read the book on the plane and give it back. I knew I wouldn’t be on the flight to Columbus again, so I felt obligated to read the book. The book was pretty good. Its one of those books that really just gets you thinking.

The book was called ‘Poke The Box by Seth Godin’. 

The book started off with this:
‘The job isn’t to catch up to the status quo; the job is to invent the status quo’
The book ended with this:
‘There are two mistakes one can make along the road to truth. Not going all the way, and not starting.'

The book ended up being about Failure, and reasons you should not be afraid of it. I don’t want to give too much away, but I say, ‘Read It!’

I ended up getting one of my business cards out of my backpack and putting my personal email address on it. When I went back to use the bathroom, I gave him the book, thanked him, and told him that I really enjoyed it. We landed back in Denver, and the nice man told me ‘If you liked the book, you should really keep it!’ I thanked him and accepted the book. I saw a business card in it and said ‘I actually left you my business card in it’, he looks at me kinda funny and says ‘That’s actually mine, for you!’

It was really nice to have an experience like that. Stanton, if you ever read this (which I doubt because I wouldn’t necessarily invite you to read my blog), Thank you very much!  

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Annoyance to Brilliance!

Have you ever had one of those days where it felt like everyone is out there to annoy the SHIT out of you? Well…. That is what I am experiencing as I currently write this blog. So I have decided what my weekly post is going to be. It will be titled ‘Slap a Bitch Thursday’. These posts will include all of my (obviously) valid reasons why I feel like I should be entitled to slap specific bitches of that week. So here it goes:

Slap A Bitch Thursday
*No Bitches were harmed in the writing of this blog*

Here is what I have experienced in the past 4 hours.

1)      I drop off my rental car at the National Rental Car lot at O’hare, and I am in a pretty good mood. I had a great work week, great rental car, and I was going home for the weekend finally! I am the first person on the bus, followed by a fairly attractive man. Well, fairly attractive man, seemed to really enjoy chewing his gum. Now, I know that I may be super sensitive to this, but this man was out of control. He never closed his mouth once. Never once, from the rental car lot, to the B Terminal. At first I tried to ignore it by plugging my ears with my fingers and looking the other way. It didn’t work. After a while, I caught myself starring. All I could think was ‘How do you do that? How do you purposely chew with your mouth open? I don’t think I could do that if I tried!’ Lucky for me, the bus ride is fairly short (about 6 minutes).
2)      Slap a bitch #2. I am sitting in row 17. We board the plane. About 6 rows back (no joke), someone opens a bag of chips. Now, chips are tricky. I would say about 75% of the people I encounter do not know how to properly eat a chip. Well, this person might ding that percentage to 76%. I could hear literally every single bite this person took into their chip. After about 8 chips, I couldn’t take it anymore. I forced myselt to go to sleep (in hopes this person would finish by the time I was done). Luckily, when I awoke, the chips were complete!
3)      Ok… Slap a bitch #3… Are you ready for this?! Slap a bitch #3 is the lady sitting next to me! So when I board the plane she was right behind me. We sit down, and she right away pulls out a Chiobani yogurt cup. She starts eating it, and I could hear her smacking her lips. I kept looking at her like ‘are you really making those noises’ and she would look at me like ‘Hi!’. She finishes her yogurt, I go to sleep and we take off. Once we are in the air, the lady takes out a sandwich that she brought from home. Same thing happens… she chews the sandwich, and I can hear her smacking her lips. The sandwich is finished, and 5 minutes later she pulls out a bag with more snacks. The next snack is an apple. Now, I love apples, but I think that apples are on the ‘do not chew next to someone you don’t know out of common courtesy (especially on an AIRPLANE!). I knew this was going to be bad, and it was. I ended up doing the pluggy ear thingy again while I read my book. The apple eating seemed to take an eternity. Apple finishes and she pulls out a granola bar. Luckily, granola bar smacking only took a total of 4 bites. The flight attendant comes to take her trash, and this bitch spills her glass of ice all over me! She just looks at me. Dosnt say a word. The flight attendant says ‘Sorry’, and I just say ‘No Problem.’.

As you can imagine, I am a little bit testy right now. I have elected to put on some Little Big Town, and have some ‘Come to Jesus’ time while I write this post. I hope you all have a tremendous weekend, and hope that you do not have to slap any bitches!